On the whole, bombs placed in cars outside nightclubs are probably bad things. Not a controversial point of view, but nevertheless one that was repeated quite frequently on the BBC news tonight, after a major terrorist attack was averted in London. Because the bomb didn't go off, we were presented with the rather surreal spectacle of people who hadn't been blown up asked to comment on what it would have meant to them if they had been.
"Charlie", who had been at the Tiger Tiger bar nearest the suspect car bomb, was left to speculate on the "talented people" he'd been with who might have been killed, had the bomb gone off. To be fair, talented though Charlie's friends may be, even they must have been a little stumped to describe what it was like to witness a bomb not exploding.
Check you’ve got the latest version of FishBarrel ready for the Nightingale
Collaboration’s next campaign
The Nightingale Collaboration will shortly be launching a new and exciting
campaign that you can help out with – but you’ll need to make sure that:
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11 years ago